Friday, January 23, 2009

Live (Almost) from Sundance

Yes, folks Sundance and I have finally met. The top picture is the famous Egyptian theater that you always see whenever anyone talks about the festival. The second picture is the scenery behind my hotel.

I have only been in town for about 2-3 hours and already have almost been hit by a car, done an interview, and had two starsightings. As I was walking to meet my wonderful friend Maria, I got a crazy old man stare from Eric Stoltz as he drove by -- and we are talking really creepy. Like seriously pervy old man creepy. Now I could be wrong about it, but I am like 99% sure it was Eric Stoltz. I mean how many other people have the unique hair-eye color combination that he does. Then when Maria was showing me around the press office (and hooking me up with a free water bottle for my parched self) she pointed out Josh Brolin.

Heading out in a minute to try to see the directorial debut of John Krasinski (Jim from The Office).

Having too much fun...not sure if I will make it back.

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